
16 months Old

 You are 16 months old. You’re talking! You say hi, to like everyone, all the time! You say mama and dada. You say “oh yeah!!” When you’re excited about receiving something! Lol it’s so cute! You also ask “what?”  And when you hear someone whistle you retry to copy with a “hoooo!!” 😂😂  You hate getting your picture taken. You’re like your big brother Noel in this sense. You’ll slap at the phone, yelling at it angrily lol he reacted the same way.  You’re a brute. You bite, pinch, hit, and throw things at people. Anyone you can. Any available chance you get. Really not a fun stage for any of us, but you sure think it’s funny.  You’ve been walking for some time now, when you decided you were ready -you were off! You walked straight across the girls room and living room at our old apartment!   Yes! We’ve moved. We’re living in the house behind mammys now! Where you’re also climbing everything you can in the living room, spilling the toy boxes all over the floor, and knocking the tv meal

10 month update

 Dear Emrys,  Hi little guy! By the time you read this you won’t be so little but right now you’re smaller than your cousin Quentin who is 5 months and you’re 10 months! You have started crawling about a month ago, except that it’s not really crawling, more like pulling yourself on your belly 😂 it’s too cute! You’re pulling yourself up standing and sometimes you’re brave enough to stand alone for a couple seconds before you plop back down on your bottom.  You are too cute. You copy people when they cough and omg when you smile you crinkle up your whole face and its the cutest thing. You have been caught saying mama, yay, and dada the other day! But you don’t say them consistently or frequently. You love to eat food, you can devour two pieces of pizza on your own! You’re a little pain in the caboose though, you laugh whenever you hear anything related to “no”. And boy, you are hansy! You grab at everything and anything. You really enjoy agitating your siblings lol. You have bright blue

6 month appointment

 You had your 6 month appointment today. You’re 15 lbs 5 oz. and you’re 25.5 inches long. Today you sat for short periods on your own while we were at the local schools field. It was a bit chilly out so we didn’t stay out for long and most of the time you were tied to my chest sleeping lol  You tried apple sauce tonight and seemed to really enjoy it. :)  Well, that’s all for now, I love you baby boo 💙

Hi little guy,

 Hi! This is my first letter to you, Mr. Emrys you are 6 months old and daddy and I are so excited and happy to have you here with us. Your siblings have adjusted very well to your arrival.  You started getting your first tooth in about a week ago, it’s just cut through your gum within the last couple days and now you have another one starting to come through on the bottom, too.  You also started holding your bottle on your own recently. :) you like to do it yourself.  Typically you ever hardly cry - unless your hungry or tired. But since these teeth have started coming in you’re more cranky than usual and you fuss a lot more. 💙 poor guy, I hope your teeth cut through quickly so you’ll be out of pain.  You can sort of sit up on your own but not for very long yet. You love sitting up with assistance, though.  You’re also rolling over both ways - back to belly and belly to back. You’re not at all interested in crawling just yet and that’s okay with me. 💗  You are my happiest and easies